Chicago's intimate wedding photographer and videographer in Chicago Frank and his dog


Creative photograph of wedding photographer and videographer in chicago

Wedding Photographer & Videographer in Chicago

Frank has always had an eye for creativity. Throughout his life, he’s enjoyed art through drawing, painting, sculpting, and even leatherwork! His interest in photography began as a hobby that helped him capture special moments with friends and family. However, this hobby turned into a passion, and he decided to pursue photography as a career. Naturally, he expanded into video work, allowing him to provide a broader scope of services to his clients.  

With Moments by Frank, he gorgeously captures heartfelt emotions to be enjoyed for a lifetime. Taking a mindful approach to his work, Frank puts each couple at ease, allowing them to feel comfortable in front of the camera resulting in stunning images and videos. Throughout the event, he reminds the couple to enjoy “mental moments,” and he reminds them to simply enjoy each other’s presence on their special day. This attention to detail and consideration allows him to create gorgeous and romantic imagery. 

With a professional yet welcoming demeanor, he ensures the joy and love of the couple shine through each photograph and video. From breathtaking scenes to intimate portraits, Frank’s timeless and intuitive style creates precious mementos to be enjoyed for years to come.

Located in Chicago, IL & Santa Barbara, CA, and working everywhere.

Frank the Owner of Moments by Frank a wedding photographer and videographer in Chicago



My day begins with a meticulously crafted cup of coffee, where I relish in the art of brewing and savor the complex flavors of various blends. This passion for coffee is akin to my approach to photography: each moment, like every cup, is a carefully composed masterpiece. Ask me about my espresso machine and making lattes in the mornings YUM


Beyond my work as a photographer and videographer, I'm an adventurous traveler with an insatiable curiosity for exploring the world. Roaming the globe, I've discovered the beauty of diverse landscapes, cultures, and traditions. Each journey fuels my creativity, providing me with a wealth of experiences and perspectives that enrich my craft. Just as I capture moments through my lens, I document the wonders of our world, sharing its breathtaking beauty with others. Travel is not just a passion; it's an integral part of who I am, shaping my artistry and broadening my horizons with each new destination.


I actively seek out cooking classes around the world. These immersive experiences allow me to learn from local experts, mastering authentic techniques and savoring the essence of each culture through its cuisine. Much like my approach to capturing moments, I immerse myself fully in the culinary world, embracing the beauty of diverse flavors and techniques from every corner of the globe.


The outdoors beckon me with their serene beauty and tranquility. Hiking allows me to disconnect from daily life and immerse myself in the wonders of nature. It's a constant source of inspiration, much like my work behind the lens. Nature's beauty fuels my creativity, and I aim to capture its essence in my photography and videography. Hiking isn't just a hobby; it's a way to connect with the natural world and infuse that connection into my art.


Wedding Photographer Moments by Frank captures South Asian Indian Couple in destination location Los Cabos.


  • Welcome to Moments by Frank, where storytelling and wedding photography intertwine. I'm Frank, and I specialize in capturing the essence of your love story, not just in images, but in soul-stirring memories. My passion lies in the magic of candid moments that truly encapsulate the spirit of your wedding day.

    My approach to wedding photography is all about connection and authenticity. I blend into your celebration, capturing the laughter, tears, and joy in a way that feels natural and unforced. My aim? To deliver not just photos, but a visual narrative of your unique journey, full of emotion and realness.

    In every snapshot, I seek the essence of your special day – the unspoken bonds, the spontaneous smiles, and the intimate glances shared between loved ones. These are the moments that truly matter, the ones you'll look back on and cherish forever. Let's create art that's uniquely you, a timeless capsule of your love story, captured through my lens. Ready to capture the magic of your wedding day? Let's make it happen at Moments by Frank.

  • My passion lies in creating a visual legacy through wedding photography, one that transcends the ordinary. It's about celebrating the uniqueness of each couple's journey. Whether it's a tender exchange of vows or a spontaneous dance, my goal is to preserve these precious, fleeting moments in a way that truly reflects the spirit of your celebration.

    What drives me is the joy of crafting a collection of images that will become cherished memories for years to come. Each photograph is a testament to love, commitment, and the profound beauty of human connections on a wedding day. At Moments by Frank, we don't just take wedding photos; we create memories that resonate deeply and endure through generations. Let’s capture the essence of your wedding day and create something timeless and inspiring.

  • My journey with Moments by Frank is much more than just wedding photography; it's a vibrant tapestry of my passions and adventures. Traveling and exploring new cultures is at the heart of what I do. Photographing weddings in over 20 countries has not only been a professional achievement but also a personal joy. Each destination brings its own unique story, enriching my perspective and enhancing the way I capture the essence of every wedding.

    Hiking and outdoor adventuring are activities that invigorate my soul. There's something incredibly inspiring about immersing myself in the beauty of nature, whether scaling a rugged mountain or trekking through a lush forest. This connection with the natural world deeply influences my photography, allowing me to bring a sense of adventure and openness to every wedding shoot.

    Cooking is another avenue through which I express my creativity. It's not just about preparing food; it's about weaving a story through flavors and ingredients. In each country I visit, I make it a point to take cooking classes, diving into the local cuisines. This has become more than a hobby – it's a way to engage with cultures on a deeper level, understanding the essence of each place I explore.

    Blending these passions is what I strive for at every location. The cultural insights from my culinary experiences, the adventurous spirit from my hikes, and the global perspective from my travels, all come together in my wedding photography. At Moments by Frank, I don't just photograph your wedding; I bring a world of experiences and a depth of understanding to capture your day in a way that's as unique and multifaceted as the stories I've encountered.

Wedding photographer captures an intimate moment during an intimate surprise proposal in Chicago- captured by Wedding Photographer Moments by Franl

“Simply couldn’t have done it without Frank. He went above and beyond! Thank you for everything!”


  • Absolutely! Frank specializes in a modern and candid style that captures the essence of each moment. His portfolio showcases a variety of events, highlighting his ability to blend contemporary techniques with a natural, unposed approach. Every photo tells a story, and Frank's artistic eye ensures that your memories are captured authentically and beautifully.

  • Frank brings years of experience in photographing significant events, including weddings, family gatherings, and milestone celebrations. His expertise lies in not just capturing the event but the emotions and details that make it unique. His approach is tailored to each occasion, ensuring that the essence of your special day is captured perfectly.

  • Our pricing is transparent and designed to suit a range of budgets. We offer various packages that clearly outline what's included. There are no hidden fees; everything from the number of photos to the duration of the event coverage is specified upfront. We can also customize packages to fit your specific needs and budget.

  • I deliver your whole gallery of photos between 6-8 weeks! You will also receive a small gallery within 24-hours this ensures that you are able to share all of the best moments from your big day before too much time passes. I spend lots of time carefully curating and handpicking the absolute best images, and then editing them to perfection.

  • I charge a small fee to cover travel to weddings that are outside of Southern California and the Chicago IL area. I absolutely love traveling, so don't be afraid to reach out about a destination wedding!

  • Great question! Typically, half of the agreed pricing is payed upon signing the contract and the rest is expected 30 days before the session or event. I am very flexible with creating a package perfect for any specific needs!

  • To check Frank’s availability, simply visit our online booking system or contact us directly. We understand the importance of your event date and strive to accommodate your schedule. We recommend booking as early as possible to secure your preferred date.

  • Certainly! Our website features a comprehensive portfolio of Frank’s work, including a variety of events and styles. Additionally, we can provide links to full wedding galleries. These resources will give you a clear sense of Frank's style and the satisfaction of our clients with similar events to yours.

A wedding bride in white dress photographed by Wedding Photographer in Chicago . Intimate photographer captures this special moment.

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